Where the 19th Century Art of Mirror Making Meets the 21st Century
The Saint Petersburg Mirror Lab is a small band of dedicated mirror grinders and telescope makers living in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. We offer a mirror making class for interested
persons. We strive to create the best mirrors our home brew technology can muster. This includes robotic foucault testing and laser interferometry.
The last round of figuring on Pauls 16 in
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Dennis Farr (with Pebbles), Paul McNabb and Ron Jones discuss the best stroke to finish Pauls mirror. They were successful! |
Bill with his 10 inch mirror
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Bill is at 35 thousandths after his first day of edge beveling and grinding with 60 grit. |
Dave is back!
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Dave grinding 8in and Brittany grinding 10in |
Brittany with the spherometer
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Brittany checking her 10 inch mirror with the spherometer after 240 grit. |
Brittany beveling her new mirror
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Brittany beveling the edge of her new 10 inch blank to prevent edge chipping while grinding. |
Mike with students
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Mike Davis showing visiting students how mirrors are polished with a sub diameter tool. |
Paul figuring his thin 16 inch mirror
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Paul figuring his thin 16 inch mirror with a 5 inch tool. A center over center stroke is used to parabolize the mirror. By keeping the mirror on the bottom it remains fully supported and flat. |
Mike Davis figuring his light weight 12.5
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Mike Davis figuring his light weight 12.5 inch mirror that he made in his home kiln. |
Lenny and his mirror have returned!
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Lenny Remetta polishing his 14.5 inch mirror with a subdiameter tool. |
Nicholas and Donna with their finished mirror
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Nicholas and Donna with their finished 8 inch better than 1/4 wave mirror. This mirror has a beautiful polish and edge. Thanks for the Mirror Lab buttons Nicholas! |
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