Where the 19th Century Art of Mirror Making Meets the 21st Century
The Saint Petersburg Mirror Lab is a small band of dedicated mirror grinders and telescope makers living in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. We offer a mirror making class for interested
persons. We strive to create the best mirrors our home brew technology can muster. This includes robotic foucault testing and laser interferometry.
New 16 and 18 inchers Debut at OBS 2010
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Ralph Craig and his 16inch f/5 Dob at the 2010 Orange Blossom Special (OBS) Star Party on 2-10-2010. This was first light for this telescope, which was completed about a day before the star party began. Ralph made the 16" mirror for this telescope at the OBS Optical Lab.
Allen Maroney and his 18inch f/4.89 dob during first light on 2-6-2010. Allen made the 18" mirror for this telescope at the SPAC Optical Lab.
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We're still Here. Photos for 2009
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Lynn, Irv and Allen are all finishing up telescope projects. href=http://www.telescopelab.com/images/OpticalLab_2009/SPAC_Lab_2009a.htm>Here are some recent pictures. |
Early 2008 Lab Update
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We haven't gone anywhere- just working on mirrors and haven't had time to post anything new to the website.
Allen made an
href=http://www.telescopelab.com/images/early_2008/SPAC_Lab_04-2008.htm>updated image page from the last few months for your enjoyment.
From James Lerch...
There is a new place to get coatings:
href=http://www.opticalmechanics.com/reflective_coatings/about.html>Optical Mechanics They charge $10/inch with complete overcoatings. Very professional and quick turnaround time. If you don't mind going without the overcoating James will still aluminize your mirror for $5/inch but he now recommends Optical Mechanics.
From Ralph:
We just had two more mirrors finished.
Herb Conner 10" f/6
Pete S 8" f/4.5 for club scope |
Recent Mirror Completions
Julio Fernandez completed a 10inch f/5.84
Lynn Joiner 10inch f/6
Peter Rimshaw 10inch f/6
Joe Colontonio 14inch f/5.5 (special thin quartz mirror) |
Another Mirror Completed
Jim Hunter finished his 12.5" mirror last weekend. I think it is a little under
f/6. Came in at 1/8 wave.
RC |
Joe starts work on his second mirror
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Joe is starting work on his second mirror using a fused quartz 14 inch blank. Here is a picture of his first telescope made at the lab. It's a 10 inch f/6. |
Fused Quartz Mirror Blanks for Sale
Recolabs has around 100 fused quartz mirror blanks for sale. 12.5 inch .8 thick goes for $160 and a 14 inch .8 thick for $200. These are available through ebay.
From one of their auction pages:
"The thermal properties of quartz are 2 times better than Pyrex, it holds a better surface and it is stronger than Pyrex."
Contact Chris at recolabs for more information ctribe@recolabs.com or call 503-661-1163 |
Eric Finishes his second mirror a 12.5 inch
Eric finished his mirror today. It tested 1/6th wave or better on all
axes tested. This frees up a table if anyone wanted to work on a
RC |
Mirror Lab Video for Charlie
Here is 17 minute video of how Robo Foucault works. Allen and Ralph describe how to test a mirror. Watch it in Internet Explorer (wmv) or href=mirrorlab2.wmv>download it (35MB) |
Website Update
The Mirror Lab website has been updated. There are still lots of things to be done with the website but the majority of pages have been updated. We've added a new feature href=index.php?page=sagitta>a sagitta to focal length calculator. |
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