Where the 19th Century Art of Mirror Making Meets the 21st Century
The Saint Petersburg Mirror Lab is a small band of dedicated mirror grinders and telescope makers living in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. We offer a mirror making class for interested
persons. We strive to create the best mirrors our home brew technology can muster. This includes robotic foucault testing and laser interferometry.
Charlie is leaving for the clear skys of New Mexico
| Charlie who is pictured of Charlie polishing his 20inch mirror has moved to New Mexico. He'll have to contend with snow drifts in the winter but at least he'll have some very good viewing. We'll miss you Charile. | |
Ginger completes an 8 inch Mirror
Ginger Tiling has finished figuring her 8 inch mirror. It has an f/ratio of f/5.6 and was completed on October 28th. Congratulations. |
The first ever mother-daughter team is making a 10 inch mirror
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Megan sets up the mirror for testing with Robo. |
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2007 Raffle Mirror is finished.
The 2007 OBS Rafflescope Mirror was completed. On robo foucault it tested out to 1/15th wave. Of course we now have to build the scope to hold it. |
Hazel Gehlsen newest Mirror Lab graduate
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Congratulations to Hazel Gehlsen
who completed an 8 inch f/6
mirror that tested better than
1/9 wave! Hazel is also
the first woman to complete
a mirror in the lab. She did such a good
job on her 8 inch we'd thought we'd get
her to help out on an 18 inch as well. |
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Completed Mirrors For October
Allen 12.5 inch annual refiguring
Tom Spano 14.25 inch Black BVC Glass
Joe Colontonio 10 inch (used a special mesh for his pitch lap) |
New Mirror Graduate Steve Kane
Congratulations to Steve Kane who completed a 10inch f/5.6 mirror that tested better than 1/5 wave. |
How to paint the inside of a tube

Paul demonstrates a device he made out of plumbing parts that
allows the easy spray painting of the inside of tubes. |
Two Mirror Graduates
Well done to Art Ross who completed a 10inch f/5 mirror and
Richard Garner who finished a 10inch f/6.2 |
2005 Orange Blossom Special with John Dobson
 | src=/images/2007/dobson_allen.jpg> John inspects Ralph's and Allens work. It was fun to discuss the finer points of mirror grinding with one of the masters. |  John autographs the 2005 Mirror Lab Rafflescope. | |
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