Saint Petersburg Astronomy Club - Mirror Lab


We are looking for a new home
As soon as we have the new location set we will post the location and hours here.

Our Founder

Paul McNabb founded the mirror lab in 1997 in order to create the best amateur telecopes possible. Inch for inch our mirrors surpass store bought or commercial grade scopes.

04/12/2012 more


  • Ralph Craig - Lab Instructor
  • Allen Maroney - Lab Instructor
  • Ron Jones - The Figurer
  • Mike Davis - Casts Mirrors
  • Dimitri - Support


  • James Lerch - Robo Foucault
  • Matt Terry
  • Charlie Mullen
  • Bruce Kazcmarik
  • Keevy McAlavy

In Memorium

  • Irv Nadelhaft
  • Lenny Remetta

04/12/2012 more


Where the 19th Century Art of Mirror Making Meets the 21st Century

The Saint Petersburg Mirror Lab is a small band of dedicated mirror grinders and telescope makers living in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. We offer a mirror making class for interested persons. We strive to create the best mirrors our home brew technology can muster. This includes robotic foucault testing and laser interferometry.

  Richard's BVC Mirror
Richard, Brad and Ralph inspecting Richard's BVC mirror. It needed a little work getting the curve
all the way out to the edge which was resolved the following week.

  Soldering and Grinding
Steve and Paul (l to r foreground) are soldering a dew heater controller. Brad and Ron are working
on Brad's 14 inch mirror.

  Bill and Ralph Cut A Tube
Bill (left) and Ralph cut a 12 foot long 12 inch tube to a more appropriate length for Bill's 10
inch f/5 mirror.

  Brad's Finished Telescope at the OBS
Brad finished remaking his telescope in time for the 2019 Orange Blossom Special (OBS) Star Party

  Mike's Mirror Grinding Demo
Mike shared his mirror grinding skills during a demo at the 2019 Orange Blossom Special Star Party.

  Ralph's 12 inch Dob at the OBS Telescope Walkabout
Ralph finished his 12 inch Dob just before the OBS star party. Here he is explaining its
construction during the telescope walkabout.

  Dew Heater Controllers
Mike (left) and Dave (right) are building a couple of dew heater controllers. Brad (center) already
built one and is assisting the projects.

  Ralphs' Secondary holder
Ralph built in some resistors for dew control on his secondary holder.

  Mike's slumped 16
Mile slumped a 16 inch blank and brought it to the lab the same day that it came out of the kiln.
This is a beautiful piece of glass just under an inch thick.

  Allen's 16 inch Mini Maxx telecope
The 16 inch Mini Maxx f/4.66 telescope had first light on January 7th. It's similar in design to
the 18 inch Maxx scope but considerably lighter.

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