Where the 19th Century Art of Mirror Making Meets the 21st Century
The Saint Petersburg Mirror Lab is a small band of dedicated mirror grinders and telescope makers living in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. We offer a mirror making class for interested
persons. We strive to create the best mirrors our home brew technology can muster. This includes robotic foucault testing and laser interferometry.
Mike's slumped 16
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Mile slumped a 16 inch blank and brought it to the lab the same day that it came out of the kiln. This is a beautiful piece of glass just under an inch thick. |
Allen's 16 inch Mini Maxx telecope
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The 16 inch Mini Maxx f/4.66 telescope had first light on January 7th. It's similar in design to the 18 inch Maxx scope but considerably lighter. |
Brad's Copper Clad Telescope
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Brad covered his telescope with a thin layer of copper sheeting. Now he is using some copper strip to cover the seams. Here he is starting with the with the seam that goes the length of the telescope. That will be followed with strips covering the seams that wrap around the circumference of the telescope. |
Dave Grinding 12.5 Inch Mirror
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Dave grinds his 12.5" mirror while Paul (left) and Bill offer their opinion of his technique. |
Glass Floor Tile Becomes 8 Inch Mirror Blank
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Mike bought a case of clear glass floor tiles and he used his kiln to make a test 8 inch mirror blank out of one. |
Brad refinishing his telescope
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Brad is smoothing his altitude bearings before refinishing them. His scope should be well tuned before the Orange Blossom Special (OBS) Star Party in January 2019. |
Pauls Drum Shell Telescope Update
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Paul with the help of Mike is cutting a circle out of some Baltic Birch plywood to fit his 16 inch drum shell telescope. During the test fit he looks pretty pleased with the results. |
Bath Interferometer
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Paul McNabb built a Bath Interferometer and lab members have begun
experimenting with a mirror that was finished using the Foucault
tester. The test uses a laser, beam splitter and a couple of lenses to
create fringes from the mirror's shape. An image of these fringes is
processed by a program appropriately called 'Fringe' that creates a 2D
color topography of the mirror showing high and low areas relative to
the perfect parabola for that mirror's diameter and f-ratio. |
The 8" f3 Mirror is coming along
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This is a lab staff project and we are taking turns working on whet will become a 8" f3 mirror. Ron (left) is hogging it out at about the 152 thousandths depth with a goal of 166K. Right is a close up of Ralph working on it with the used 80 grit becoming mud around the tool. We finished the day right on the depth and we will be moving to 120 grit next week. |
Paul's drum shell
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Paul is using a drum shell for the mirror box. Here he is preparing to cut the shell shorter. The shell is on a sled over Ralph's table saw. The square plywood is used to prevent the shell from moving sideways on the sled. The shell was rotated while the saw ws running. This was a three man operation. The amazing thing was that it worked and made a beautiful cut. |
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